Basato su SOAP/1.1; esaminati e risolti oltre 200 punti
- SOAP version 1.2, Part 1: Messaging Framework: Last Call Working Draft
- Processing Model
- Envelope
- Protocol Binding Framework
- SOAP version 1.2, Part 2: Adjuncts: Last Call Working Draft
- Data Model
- Encoding
- RPC Convention
- Binding and Feature Description Convention
- Message Exchange Pattern (MEP)
- HTTP Binding
- XML Protocol (XMLP) Requirements Document: Working Draft
- XML Protocol Usage Scenarios: Working Draft
- XML Protocol Abstract Model: Working Draft
- SOAP version 1.2, Part 0: Primer: Last Call Working Draft
- SOAP Version 1.2 Specification Assertions and Test Collection: Last
Call Working Draft
- SOAP Version 1.2 Email Binding: Note