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Policies Relating to Web Accessibility

sections of this page: Disclaimer - Status - Contents - Introduction
countries on this page: AU - CA - DE - DK - ES - EU - FI - FR - HK - IN - IT - JA - NZ - PT - UK - US
related pages: AU States - CA Provinces - US States


The policy links on this page are compiled as a resource by the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG). This page is not a comprehensive or definitive resource for all applicable laws and policies regarding Web accessibility. The information contained on this page is not legal advice. If you have questions about the applicability of the referenced laws to specific situations, please consult legal authorities in the appropriate jurisdiction.


This page is under continual development. If you know of additional legislation or policies in addition to those listed here, corrections needed, or developments related to legislation listed here, please see Submitting Updates to Policies Relating to Web Accessibility.



The Web's emergence as a pivotal form of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) raises interesting questions about application of existing laws and policies to this new medium, and the importance of all members of society, including people with disabilities, being able to access this information medium.

There is a growing body of national laws and policies which address accessibility of ICT, including the Internet and the Web. There is also great variety of approaches among these laws and policies: some take the approach of establishing a human or civil right to ICT; others the approach that any ICT purchased by government must be accessible; others that any ICT sold in a given market must be accessible; and there are still other approaches.

The links on this page provide a starting point for locating information on government policies relating to Web accessibility in different countries around the world. Information linked from this page may include laws, regulations, policies, directives, government-related standards or guidelines, or implementation guidance which relates to Web accessibility, as well as government speeches, press releases, etc. Links are roughly grouped under the following categories: laws, responsible ministries, relevant documents, discussion, and additional information or comments. Since legal practices, and terminology regarding legal practices, vary from country to country, categorization of information on this page is approximate, not definitive.

Absence of links to policies in a given country does not indicate that that country does not have, or is not in the process of establishing, policies regarding Web accessibility. If you are aware of information which should be included on this page, please notify us as explained in the status section above.

A separate document, Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility, addresses issues which frequently arise when establishing policies on Web accessibility. These include, for instance, simple and comprehensive sample policy statements; conformance levels for Web sites as well as Web related software; defining the scope, milestones, and monitoring processes for Web accessibility, and more.


related page: AU States

Legislation: Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Responsible Ministry: Attorney General's Department; Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission; Federal Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts

Relevant Documents:

Additional information:


related page: CA Provinces

Legislation: Canadian Human Rights Act of 1977

Responsible Ministry: Attorney General; Canadian Human Rights Commission; Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat

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Legislation: -

Responsible Ministry: [Danish] Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation)

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European Union

Legislation: -

Responsible Ministry: European Commission, Information Society

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Legislation: -

Responsible Ministry: [Finnish] Sisäasiainministeriö (Ministry of the Interior), [Finnish] Julkisen hallinnon tietohallinnon neuvottelukunta (JUHTA) (Advisory Committee on Information Management in Public Administration)

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Legislation: -

Jurisdiction: -

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Legislation: [German] Barrierefreie Informationstechnik Verordnung (BITV) [PDF file]

Responsible Ministry: -

Hong Kong

Legislation: -

Responsible Ministry: -

Relevant documents: -

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Legislation: -

Responsible Ministry: -

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Legislation: -

Responsible Ministry: Department of the Taioseach and Government Information Services

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Legislation: -

Responsible Ministry: -

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Legislation: -

Responsible Ministry: Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications

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New Zealand

Legislation: -

Responsible Ministry: State Services Commission; Government Information System Managers' Forum (GOVIS)

Relevant documents:


Legislation: [Portuguese version formerly at], 1999 ( Resolution of the Council of Ministers Concerning the Accessibility of Public Administration Web Sites for Citizens with Special Needs)

Responsible Ministry: -

Relevant Documents:

Additional information:


Legislation: [Spanish] LEY 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico (LSSICE) [PDF file], 2002 (LAW 34/2002, of 11 of July, services of the information society and electronic commerce).
Accessibility addressed in [Spanish] "Quinta. Accesibilidad para las personas con discapacidad y de edad avanzada a la información proporcionada por medios electrónicos." ("Fifth. Accessibility for elderly and disabled persons to information provided by electronic media") on page 293.

Responsible Ministry: [Spanish] Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Ministry of Science and Technology); [Spanish] Comunidades Autónomas, (Regional Governments)

Relevant documents: -

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United Kingdom


Jurisdiction: -

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United States of America

in this section: 255 - 504 - 508 - ADA
related page: US States

(USA) Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act

Legislation: Telecommunications Act of 1996

Responsible Ministry: Federal Communications Commission; Access Board

Relevant Documents:

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(USA) Rehabilitation Act, Section 504

Legislation: Rehabilitation Act, Section 504 (1973)

Responsible Ministry: Department of Justice; Department of Education

Relevant Documents:

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(USA) Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998, Section 508

Legislation: Rehabilitation Act, Section 508 (1986, amended 1992, amended 1998)

Jurisdiction: Department of Justice; Access Board; General Services Administration

Relevant Documents:

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(USA) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Legislation: Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

Responsible Ministry: US Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division

Relevant Documents:

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Other Countries?

If you are aware of other national legislation or policies relating to Web Accessibility, please send any available URI's to <>.


Last revised: 18 June 2003 by Shawn Henry

Current Editor: Shawn Henry
Contributors: Participants of the Education and Outreach Working Group

Comments welcome at <wai-eo-editors>

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